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Another book I am in the middle of is You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh. I have really enjoyed this book so far. One of the concepts in the book is mindfulness and being in tune with the task at hand. Instead of multitasking and divding your attention. I normally pride myself on being […]

Loss of a Friend

This past Saturday night, my work family suffered a tragic loss. A close coworker very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away while he was swimming laps in a pool. It’s believed that he suffered a heart attack and wasn’t found in the pool until it was too late. He was mid-60s but was overall quite healthy […]

Ego Is the Enemy

I am currently in the middle of three books. One is called Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.  This book is about how our ego can get the better of us and make us act certain ways. The best way I can describe it, is as mindset awareness. I can think back to different […]

heading to socal

(this was written in notes app on my phone. the wifi at the hotel wasn’t great) Today(friday) my aunt, my mom, my grandma, and I flew down to orange county for my cousin’s high school graduation. Our flight was at 1420(2:20pm) since it was going to be basically impossible to get my grandma to the […]

White Belt Promotion

On Friday the four white belts in my class received their yellow belts.  I am so proud of them.  They worked very hard on sparring kata # 1 to get their belts.  Congratulations to all of them.  Now they can move on to sparring.  They have all the fundamentals to do it.  How exciting for […]

Fostering Kittens

For a while now there have been litters of kittens that have been hanging around both my mom’s front patio arena and also my dad’s front patio. My mom loves cats and every time she sees a stray cat that hangs around our house she tries to capture it and take it to a cat […]

Six Months

Today is day 181 of the test, or a little over 6 months. It feels crazy that these 6 months have gone by so quickly. I want to take this blog post to reflect a little bit on these last 6 months. This challenge is the most difficult thing I have ever done, and it […]

Ups(Push + Sit)

For all you math people out there, feel free to correct my attempt at being clever with the title. I just wanted to reflect on the push-ups and sit ups requirement for the blackbelt test. I am getting what I thought was over the daily allotment done nearly every day and I only feel I’m […]


Starting to get some consistency going again. I am still behind on my numbers but I am happy to be getting some sort of consistency back in. Spring/Summer months are busy for me. We are getting busier at the Wildlife Center. I try to take things one day at a time. And do what I […]

Trying New Things

During our black belt class, we go over passages from The Book of Five Rings each week. This past week, we discussed “annoying” your opponent such in a way to keep them off guard during battle. “By striking unexpectedly and decisively at locations where the enemy is unprepared can unsettle their thoughts”. In other words, […]