Starting to get some consistency going again. I am still behind on my numbers but I am happy to be getting some sort of consistency back in. Spring/Summer months are busy for me. We are getting busier at the Wildlife Center. I try to take things one day at a time. And do what I […]
During our black belt class, we go over passages from The Book of Five Rings each week. This past week, we discussed “annoying” your opponent such in a way to keep them off guard during battle. “By striking unexpectedly and decisively at locations where the enemy is unprepared can unsettle their thoughts”. In other words, […]
I am facing a large challenge and postponement in my training. I went to the doctor about my hurt rib. Fortunately x-rays showed no fracture or brake. I have trouble taking deep breaths, sneezing, coughing, and laying down. It is painful. At least it is only a bruise. I have to take a little break […]
I received my black stripe on my belt this week. I am officially a black belt candidate. I have been training for it for over five months now. I am keeping up on all the training. The most challenging part for me is sparring. I sparred twice this week to make up time from last […]
About a week ago the school district released the start date for the upcoming school year, which will be my senior year of high school. School is scheduled to start a whole 8 days earlier than normal on monday august, 19th. School isn’t ending 8 days earlier either. Instead of the normal 180 days of […]
Next week, us juniors have to take SBAC/CAASPP testing. Of course this lines up perfectly to be right after AP testing which is kind of annoying. Next week is also AP makeup testing, which I don’t have to do, but I know people who do. It really is such unfortunate timing. There are four days […]
Yesterday, Sensei Oliver endowed a black stripe to my brown belt, indicating that I am officially in testing for my black belt. Even though I have been on the journey for a few months now, it felt more “real” seeing the black stripe on my belt. I (and 3 of my peers) are officially doing […]
I went to the Gold Rush Tournament hosted by sensei Bennati’s dojo about a week ago in grass valley. It was great see all of the people from the dojo there. We had a really good showing at the tournament, it was actually the most people from our dojo I’ve seen at a tournament that […]
Last week and this week at school make up the AP testing weeks. This year I am only taking one AP test, which is AP calculus BC. I took that test yesterday, and I feel really good about how I did on that test. I think I at least got a 3, hopefully more though. […]