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Dealing with Loss

In the wake of a joyous (although very busy) Christmas time, my family suffered the loss of my aunt. She essentially was a 2nd mother to us and our families were very close. She was a devoted teacher in our hometown. She was also a mother, grandmother, aunt, and dear friend to us all. She […]

Lucas Grant: Week 51

Happy Holidays! These past two weeks have been very busy but very fun. On my first week of Christmas break I went down to Huntington Beach California to visit family for the Holidays. My family and I do this every year and it’s always nice to see them. I had a great time in Southern […]

Christmas break

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas this year, I know I sure did. Every year around Christmas I get to see all my family that I don’t see very often and it makes me really happy when I am able to spend time with them. That is one of the best parts of Christmas […]

New Year’s resolution

The New Year is approaching fast.  It will be 2024 in a few days.  Time is going by so fast.  I have never made a New Year’s resolution.   I never believed in something strong enough to make a resolution.  This year that changes.  My New Year’s resolution is to continue this black belt test, […]

Lessons Learned

I don’t even know where to start….A lot of what I have learned lately, has to do with surrounding yourself with like minded people, finding your tribe, sharing your goals with those close to you, having a support system, always striving to be better, many positive spins. But there was always the underlying theme of […]