Yesterday I started the process of getting a job and also researching how to start my driver’s training. For over a year I’ve been majorly procrastinating on finding a job and starting my drivers ed, I honestly think it is all just because I have been scared of growing up. I have so many good […]
These last few weeks something a little unusual has been happening to me. I have been getting random dizzy spells, short term headaches, and getting blurry vision for no reason. It’s been happening either when I’m walking around or even sometimes sitting still. My mom and I thought I had low iron so she took […]
Since I am behind on blogs, I am going to talk about my interest in motorsports. Many years ago here in the US, if anyone said they were watching a race, they almost certainly meant nascar. So for many years I associated motorsports with nascar. I thought nascar was boring, and I still do, but […]
Yesterday marked the 100th day of our black belt tests. Because of that I want to reflect a little bit on my first 100 days. This time was most definitely about ironing out the routine for me. Prior to the start of my test I was doing some pushups and situps to prepare, but before […]
A few weeks ago I chipped my tooth at the black belt class, while practicing a takedown with Brody. After a few days I stopped noticing the small chip in my tooth. On valentines day I had an appointment to get the chip filled. Thankfully since it didn’t hurt I didn’t have to get any […]
This week was super bowl week and my great uncle came over for the game and to help us out with some stuff. On Saturday he helped us install a fan in our library/office room. On Sunday morning he helped us change some lightbulbs on an outdoor fan, and afterwards we watched the big game. […]
IMG_1246 This week I was looking back in my photos just for fun and I found a couple videos from when I first started karate. This video is one of my very first stripe tests as a white belt, I can remember being a little nervous getting up in front of the class by myself […]
This is the kata I am doing 1000 times this year.
My journey to becoming a black belt is going great so far. I’m glad that I am ahead in the game with my push-ups and crunches, miles, acts of kindness, and I’m on track with my meditation. I do feel like I still need to work on making more time for my kata and more […]
Today I found my old white belt from when I was 8 years old. It kind of made me think a little bit about the my karate journey so far. Seeing my white belt really made me realized just how far I have come as a martial artist in the 8 years I have been […]