During the second semester, finals week starts on a friday since the school year ends on a thursday. This year the first finals day was periods 1 and 6, which was spanish and history for me. During spanish we did nothing since we had already done our final. I basically just watched netflix/youtube for the two hours. For history we had a group presentation. My group presented about 9/11, and we did really well with our project. I don’t really like saying this about group project partners, but it really felt like more of an I did really well, rather than the group did really well. Unfortunately, some groups are just like this. Thankfully during finals week, the school day ends at 12:40, which means I get to go home early. Monday was classes 2 and 5 which were english and physics. In english i did a group presentation and in physics we took a quick test and then my group played games for the remainder of class. We played games like gartic phone and scribbl.io and a phone game called wavelength. On tuesday was the remaining class periods 3 and 4 which were math and art. In math I played poker with some of the other people in class and I watched netflix in art. For the poker in math, we used items from our backpacks as poker chips. We did give everything back after class. Wednesday was graduation day for the seniors which meant a lot of people weren’t at school. We did nothing the whole day. The poker playing continued in math and in physics, me and my group played blackjack. Thursday was the last day of school and my friend decided to bring a real set of poker chips to class. So naturally we played blackjack in pretty much every class. It was a pretty good last day of school, which was set back a little since I was sick during pretty much this whole finals week. Its great that now I am out of school for the summer at least.
(51,045 / 50,000)
(51,045 / 50,000)
(1,005 / 1,000)
(1,093 / 1,000)
(1,028 / 1,000)
(1,088 / 1,000)
(5,520 / 5,000)
(6 / 6)
(52 / 52)
(12 / 12)
I hope you and your family are feeling better. Congrats on finishing 11th grade. Yeah! It’s summer. I hope you have a fun summer.