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heading to socal

(this was written in notes app on my phone. the wifi at the hotel wasn’t great)

Today(friday) my aunt, my mom, my grandma, and I flew down to orange county for my cousin’s high school graduation. Our flight was at 1420(2:20pm) since it was going to be basically impossible to get my grandma to the airport before 1300(1:00pm). I started off the day with a 6.5 mile bike ride to knock some miles out for the next few days. Then at 1000(10:00am) we went to the gym for a workout. We had to leave a little early so we could finish packing up for our trip. We didn’t leave ourselves very much time but we got fully packed and got everything ready for the dog as well. We then drove to my aunt’s house, where we dropped off the dog, packed up everything into the car and got ready to head to the airport. Unfortunately, right before we were about to leave, I left the door open a little too much and the dog managed to escape. Whenever she is able to get out of the house she runs around the neighborhood like a little game. We managed to corner her in someones driveway and get her leash on her. I then took her inside and made sure that the door was absolutely closed. We then set off for the airport. We got dropped off by my aunt’s boyfriend, Dave. Once we got on the section of 5 that leaves towards the airport traffic started slowing down quite a bit. In the end it took about 30 minutes to get to the airport, which was a little longer than expected, but we were still on time. We got dropped off on the departures level and we got my grandma’s bagged checked at the curbside check-in and we also got her a wheel chair there. From there, me, my aunt, and my mom went through security which wasn’t very busy, probably due to it being 1300(1:00pm) on a friday. We got through pretty quickly and went and got some of the overpriced airport food. More specifically, we got burgers and brew which is in the middle of terminal B. We then went to our gate and waited for our aircraft to arrive. Our aircraft was a 2004 built 737-700 orginally delivered to Malév Hungarian and eventually transfered to Transaero and then to Southwest. Southwest(SWA) received the aircraft in December 2015 where it was reregistered as N7876A and retrofitted with winglets. (This makes it a 737-700(WL)) Our flight was late as it had encountered a two hour delay in Las Vegas and eventually arrived in Sacramento about 30 minutes late. SWA has an open seating policy so we were in boarding group C, which is the last group. We were waiting in line to board when the gate agent tells this group that they can’t board since they are on the wrong flight. One of them doesn’t take it very well and starts yelling at the gate agent. He said something about “f word to a classy lady” or something like that. He came back to the gate a few minutes later and started filming the poor gate agent. I feel really bad for gate agents and flight attendants since they receive most of the passenger abuse. We eventually got into the aircraft and I sat in seat 20B. (none of us were together) I don’t like middle seats, but its an hour long flight, its not that bad. We took off 36 minutes late and landed into KSNA(orange county/santa ana) around 15 minutes late. KSNA has a really short runway so landings into there are always firm.(KSNA’s runway is 5700 feet long. for reference, KSMF has two 8000 foot runways) I didn’t have much expectation for a good landing. Getting it down and stopped is more important than a smooth landing. However, today’s landing was a special kind of bad, like aircraft bounced kind of bad landing. If you’ve every flown and saw the pilots hiding in the cockpit after the flight. It usually means the landing was terrible. We got off the flight and then got picked up by my aunt and cousins. They lent us my cousin’s ford bronco and we went to the hotel and checked in. We then went to dinner with them at a stake house at fashion island called flemings. It was pretty good and then after we went back to the hotel and called it a night.

I’m going to break these posts up into multiple since this would be a really long post if I didn’t. So this is post (1/3) or 1 per day.

My current Challenge progress as of March 7, 2025.

(51,045 / 50,000)
(51,045 / 50,000)
(1,005 / 1,000)
(1,093 / 1,000)
(1,028 / 1,000)
(1,088 / 1,000)
(5,520 / 5,000)
(6 / 6)
(52 / 52)
(12 / 12)