This week I was looking back in my photos just for fun and I found a couple videos from when I first started karate. This video is one of my very first stripe tests as a white belt, I can remember being a little nervous getting up in front of the class by myself but once it was all done I was so happy with myself. It is really special for me to see how much I have grown physically and mentally because of my training at the dojo. I never would have thought I would be here today participating in the black belt test that I have heard my sensei talk about throughout all these years but I am so thankful I am because of my hard work and dedication. When I looked back at the videos I couldn’t stop smiling just thinking of all the great people I have met and all the fantastic things that I have experienced and done.
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What a great video. You should thank your mom and dad for recording you. You have progressed a long way. Keep up the hard work in the challenge.