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Looking on the Bright Side

Rainbow Causes, Colors, and Weather

I went on a bike ride yesterday with a friend of mine on the American River trail. We tried to fit it in before the weather came but of course the weather came early. We had planned on a 20-30 mile ride but the wind and rain started around mile 10, when we were the exact farthest point from our cars. We decided just to head back from where we were as the weather was picking up. It was actually scary at first as we had a hard time even staying upright on the bikes due to the significant wind. I had also heard there was a tornado warning in effect so that didn’t help my psyche. I actually started looking for places that we could seek shelter just in case a tornado touched down. Being from Pennsylvania, I’ve experienced a tornado before and it is not something to take lightly. The headwinds were making it feel like we were pedaling uphill. And with the rain pelting us in the face, it was fairly miserable. After trudging along for some time, we were able to get back to an area with some tree cover. I was completely done at this point and just wanted to get home. At about mile 18, the sun started to peek through the clouds while it was raining. I remember looking out onto the river, seeing the sunlight and rain hitting the water and thinking how beautiful that moment in time was. I would have taken a picture if I wasn’t soaking wet. That ride, which would have been put into the “failed” category, actually turned out to be a wonderful experience, all because of one moment in time of natural beauty. It’s amazing how things can turn in an instant. I think anyone can see the beauty in things and look on the bright side if they are open to it. Trying to find the positive isn’t always easy, but it’s always possible.

My current Challenge progress as of February 23, 2025.

(50,550 / 50,000)
(50,550 / 50,000)
(1,162 / 1,000)
(1,091 / 1,000)
(1,006 / 1,000)
(1,188 / 1,000)
(5,394 / 5,000)
(6 / 6)
(52 / 52)
(12 / 12)
Posted in Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “Looking on the Bright Side

  1. What a beautiful picture. Those experiences are the most memorable. You will laugh about it when you remember it. I am so glad you found the positive in it even when you were cold, wet, and tired. Nature has a way of making us feel alive and happy.

  2. I very much enjoy the way you express your thoughts; your insight and ability to tease out the positives are inspiring. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thank you Li! Believe it or not, I actually have always really enjoyed writing but haven’t in a long time. You noticing those things makes me want to get back into it.

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