Mike Oliver commented on the post, Memories
@eclark, I’ll be honest, I’m a little wary when people come to the dojo after training somewhere else. It’s really important to me that students fit in with our school’s culture. When they come from somewhere else, people often bring a lot ‘baggage’ with them from their old dojo or Sensei. I’m so happy to say that you have fit right in from day 1.…Read More
Mike Oliver commented on the post, Challenge Within A Challenge
@eclark, This one really hits home. I had a rough time in elementary school. My latter years were particularly rough as I wasn’t particular athletic and I wasn’t into most sports like other kids my age. It actually wasn’t until I moved to Auburn that the bullying stopped and I met an awesome group of friends. As a martial arts teacher, I often see…Read More
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Matt Nedresky
Cooper Riegel
Jake Ross
Brody Hocking
Elan Wilbur