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Finals Week

Finals Week

Black-Belt Candidate

Last week was finals week at my school, and overall I did quite well on all of my finals. I had three tests and three projects, and all of them went well. My math final was definitely the one I was most worried about and my preparations for it paid off. At my school, west […]

Winter Break

Winter Break

Black-Belt Candidate

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season, and a happy new year. My winter break has mainly consisted of me sitting at my desk and playing video games, and of course doing my pushups and situps, and now sleeping a lot. Being sick right now has most definitely made getting my miles, pushups, […]

The Beginning

Black-Belt Candidate

I began my black belt test 12 days ago. It still doesn’t feel real that I have been allowed to begin this test. Over the next 13 months I must do 50,000 pushups and sit ups, complete a 1,000 mile journey, complete 1,000 acts of kindness, read 6 books, post weekly blogs, 12 video blogs, […]



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