I’m almost at the end of the test and I have finished mostly everything. I have to say everything I have done this year has been really challenging and I am proud of myself for getting through all of it. I am complete with all of the 50,000 pushups and sit-ups, 1000 miles, 1000 rounds of sparring, all 6 books, and 1000 acts of kindness. The hardest part of this challenge would have to be finding the time to do everything. It can be easy for some tasks like the miles and acts of kindness but others it can be hard with school and life getting in the way. One unusual part of the test was the empathy training. For that I wasn’t able to speak for an entire day and it was way harder than you might think. It made me realize how much we actually need to talk and communicate throughout the day. Overall it has been such a great experience to have especially this early in my life.
(55,300 / 50,000)
(55,300 / 50,000)
(1,205 / 1,000)
(1,076 / 1,000)
(1,036 / 1,000)
(1,700 / 1,000)
(5,370 / 5,000)
(6 / 6)
(52 / 52)
(12 / 12)
I’m proud of you Brody-San. You have represented Isshinryu and this challenge very well!
Congratulations on almost finishing the the black belt challenge. It really is a challenge. It is something to be very proud of. Great job!