I’m a big believer in trying new things at least once at starting new hobbies. I believe it makes us well rounded while expanding our knowledge base. While you can still be an expert at something, it’s good to see and do as much as we can. I’m always amazed with how complex new hobbies can be and how deep down the “rabbit hole” you can go. While there are many, many things I’ve tried over my life, a new activity has recently taken my interest: golf. While I used to play often growing up, I had fallen out of it for many years. I forgot how challenging the game was but I find it enjoyable to try to enhance myself and be better. Like any hobby, golf takes practice and consistency. When you actually do put through the effort into something and reap the benefits (in this case, increasing skill), you see why it’s worth it. Karate also started as a hobby for me. Starting out as a white belt, I would never have thought I’d put in the training to be testing for my black belt. I would have said it was unattainable and “I’ll never get that far”. While my current golf skills are lacking, I know I have the drive and determination to get better. My black belt journey is showing me that I am capable of getting better at anything I set my mind to.
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Well said. I also would have never believed that I was capable to do the black belt challenge. Here we are day by day practicing and working hard to attain a goal. You will get better the more you practice golf just like karate. Enjoy your new hobby.
Thank you Elan!