As the year and my black belt journey near their end, I have one last special trip planned to finish out an amazing year. I will be going to Japan with one of my friends and fellow dojo-mate. This trip holds a special place for multiple reasons. First, I have always wanted to go to Japan, and after multiple failed attempts, it is finally happening. Second, I love Japanese culture and, even more so, Japanese food. I am very excited to see and experience a completely new culture for me. Lastly, we will be travelling to Okinawa to visit the birthplace of karate and to hopefully get some unique training in. I am probably most excited for this last reason as I know it will be a enlightening experience. I am confident that it will enhance my training in a way that I have never experienced. Here’s to new experiences and the end of a life-changing year.
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I hope you have a fantastic trip. The culture, people, and food are going to be a memorable and exciting experience. I hope it enhances and invigorates your joy of karate to visit where ishinru started. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures. Safe travels.
Thank you Elan! I will definitely post and send lots of pictures and stories.