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Week 13 – Dirk Herfurth

This Friday we had a special practice session at the dojo. Sensei was talking with us about the two first codes of Isshinryu.

1. A person’s heart is the same as Heaven and Earth.

2. Blood Circulating is Similar to the Sun and the Moon.

These codes represent Master Shimabuku’s views on life and the practice of the martial arts. When studied and understood they offer advice on how to get the most from Isshinryu and from life itself.

As with most of the things that let you level up in the game called life – the explanation does not come easy. You need to think about the meaning of these words deeply and you have to experience their essence for yourself. There is not road map on how to comprehend these codes and everyone will have a different understanding of them while studying. All that can be done for you is to be shown the rough direction – you have to walk the path alone.

We spend the majority of Friday’s class on discussing code 1. As I walk this path of trying to understand the codes, my take on it is that it teaches us to be in harmony with mind (heaven), earth (body), and the heart (spirit). No right or wrong here, your explanation can be similar or totally different to mine.

Of course being in harmony is way easier said than done. Practice, practice, and more practice is what brings you closer to that stage. Sometimes when I practice kata I feel like being in the flow. As there is no blueprint I cannot be sure that this is what harmony means. However, I feel that I practice way differently than when I started my martial arts journey over 20 years ago. I feel more confident in my abilities and can say I am also calmer. While doing some more reading today about the codes I learned of a story that Master Shimabuku related to that first code.

“An old Chinese man was traveling through the countryside when a terrible storm broke loose. Upon seeking shelter in a nearby cave the old man found himself face to face with a tiger that had himself, fled the elements and sought shelter in the cave. The old man, for he was wise with his many years, had no interest in anything but shelter and made no motion toward the tiger whatsoever. The tiger also bore no malice toward the old man and in this manner they shared the cave together. They both had something in common and were in harmony. So, “If a man’s heart is the same as the heaven and earth” he has no quarrel and therefore no need to fight.”

I guess the trust in one’s own abilities; the understanding of a situation, its possible outcomes when applying certain actions is what brings you harmony.

I also know that I am still at an early stage of my journey and that I have a long way ahead of me until I understand it – if I ever will fully.

My current Challenge progress as of February 23, 2025.

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(20 / 50,000)
(0 / 1,000)
(0 / 1,000)
(0 / 1,000)
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(0 / 52)
(0 / 12)