Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed. Still recovering for now, should be back to mostly normal in the coming days. I. had three wisdom teeth removed, lower left, upper left, and upper right. My lower right wisdom tooth was removed about 3 years ago so I could get braces. Unfortunately, the oral surgeon wouldn’t remove the rest since insurance wouldn’t cover it. Looking back on it, as much I would like them to have removed all four of them, that specific oral surgeon was not the right person to do it. Good news for me, was that I already knew what was going to happen, mostly. I wasn’t sure if they were going to keep me awake, or sedate me, like was done previously. Thankfully they sedated me, and then applied local anesthesia as well. The drugs acted quickly and I was out within 30 seconds. Next thing I knew, I was being walked to my mom’s car. My mom then drove to UCD med center, which is quite close to my house, for the prescribed drugs, which were norco, and ibuprofen. I had to be left in the car, since I couldn’t balance at all. We then drove home where I laid on the couch for about 10 hours and watched netflix. I later went to bed, and that was the end of the first day. I of course have eaten mostly jello, pasta, and ice cream. Today I am moving into more solid foods. Still can’t fully chew since I can’t risk food getting stuck in the giant holes left by the surgery, and also because I can’t open my mouth fully. Overall, this time, my experience has been much better, and hopefully I recover nice and quickly.
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I am glad the surgery went well. I hope you recover quickly. Enjoy this relaxing time at home.