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Lucas Grant: Week 50

Over the weekend I attended our in-school “absolute” tournament! It was a really good experience, and it was a great little test run before my final black belt test. How an “absolute” tournament works is you are put with a partner and you have top perforce kata, who even wins that gets a point, then […]

Lucas Grant: Week 49

This week was Thanksgiving! My family always hosts Thanksgiving, so this year was the same as the rest. It was a great time with lots of super good food. My dad is always the grill master so he makes the turkeys and any other projects he wants to experiment with. This year we had 2 […]

Lucas Grant: Week 48

School this year has been going very well, I ended the first quarter with a 4.4 GPA! But challenges of a few big research projects are soon to come. Coming up with research projects in 11th grade is really tough. It’s like trying to find your way through a big maze. Picking a good topic […]

Cooper Riegel – Week 28

This week marks the end of my trip to Kauai and my 16th birthday. My family and I have filled our week with adventure. We have gone snorkeling at a couple beaches, which is really fun but also nerve racking. This is mostly due to the open water, but also the population of pufferfish close […]