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Concert With My Parents

Concert With My Parents

OneHeart Challenge

Last Sunday I went to a concert with my parents and my sister. It was Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan and John Mellencamp. It really wasn’t “my style of music.” But its rare that both of my parents want to go to a concert. I really went to spend time with them. As they get older, […]

…..At a loss for a title

…..At a loss for a title

OneHeart Challenge

I know I am working on the challenge as time provides. However, I feel lazy when I cant make it to class. I have been working a lot of hours at the prison and the wildlife center. I just need more hours in the day, 24 hours just isn’t enough. I know this challenge is […]



OneHeart Challenge

I started rucking. Which is basically walking with a weighted backpack. I can definitely feel the difference in my heart rate. I didn’t think this would be that hard but it can be quite challenging. I use between 10-20lbs, depending on the day, and the weather. I try not to push too much and give […]



OneHeart Challenge

I leave tomorrow night for a quick trip to Texas. My grandmother who is 99 lives in TX. I also have an aunt and uncle on my Dad’s side who live there. My grandma shattered her ankle about a month ago. My uncle is experiencing some health problems, that might be liver cancer. My whole […]



OneHeart Challenge

Backtracking a little, I sprained my knee back in January. I started running a few months ago, just short jogs. This last week I tried to do some sprint work and my knee started aching. I was trying to figure out what was wrong. I broke down my stride. It’s hard for me to lengthen […]

New Friends

New Friends

OneHeart Challenge

There are a lot of things I am grateful for with this challenge and being involved with the dojo again. One of which is new friends I am making along the way. Specifically, Elan. When Elan and I first met, she was always very helpful. I was very self-conscious about my technique after being out […]



OneHeart Challenge

Another book I am in the middle of is You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh. I have really enjoyed this book so far. One of the concepts in the book is mindfulness and being in tune with the task at hand. Instead of multitasking and divding your attention. I normally pride myself on being […]

Ego Is the Enemy

Ego Is the Enemy

OneHeart Challenge

I am currently in the middle of three books. One is called Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.  This book is about how our ego can get the better of us and make us act certain ways. The best way I can describe it, is as mindset awareness. I can think back to different […]



Starting to get some consistency going again. I am still behind on my numbers but I am happy to be getting some sort of consistency back in. Spring/Summer months are busy for me. We are getting busier at the Wildlife Center. I try to take things one day at a time. And do what I […]



I have not given up, I am here!! I have been sick since the middle of March. I thought I had recovered on my trip, all I had was a cough. But two days after we got home, I got sick again. I had a really bad cough, lost my voice, low energy. I am […]



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Concert With My Parents

…..At a loss for a title
