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Injury Setback

Injury Setback

I knew it may happen eventually if I kept up at my current pace. An injury. I went to class 3 days in a row and sparred 2 days in a row to really get in some solid kumite time before my 2 big trips I have upcoming. I don’t know exactly when it happened […]

Down Time

Down Time

My Saturday this weekend was a whole lot of nothing which, for me, is a very foreign concept. I was able to do my morning exercises, then cooked a light brunch, then basically lounged around the rest of the day. As a very active person, this was mentally difficult but physically needed, I think. Rest […]

Learning Patience

Learning Patience

We have always been told that patience is a virtue throughout our lives. I have always had a difficult time with this. It has always been hard for me to “wait patiently” for anything. I am the type of person that wants to get things done right away or change the situation so that it […]

1000th Act of Kindness

As of 9/23/24, I had exactly 999 acts of kindness for my black belt requirement. I realized that I had to commemorate my last act. For this occasion, I picked something that I have done many times before but wanted to make it special. The medical assistants I work with LOVE the scones from Coffee […]

Crunch Time

Crunch Time

We are about to be in the last 3 months (the final 25%) of our black belt trial and I am really starting to feel the pressure. I have just started really ramping up my numbers in push ups, sit ups, and kumite. For the sparring portion, I have been coming in on the weekends […]

Making New Friends

Making New Friends

I went to Phoenix, Arizona this week with 2 of my friends to visit some other friends. It ended up being 15 people in total that were all together. I only knew the 2 friends from Sacramento initially. We rented a house and basically just explored the city. It’s always great to make new friends. […]

Kyan No Sai

Kyan No Sai

Kyan No Sai

Training with Intensity

Training with Intensity

In the book I just completed, “Karate-Do: My Way of Life”, it references training with intensity at all times. Not only with sparring but also with kata and basics. You must treat everything as if you are in actual battle and “always have the opponent in mind”. This is very important in all aspects of […]

Manifesting Positivity

Manifesting Positivity

Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive and optimistic, especially when life seems to hit you with challenges. When things seem bleak, creating your own happiness is vital for carrying on. It’s important to remind ourselves that we have what it takes to get through a tough situation.  Keep trying and never give up. Give everything […]

Tahoe Weekend

Tahoe Weekend

I went to my friend’s bachelor party over the weekend in South Lake Tahoe. It was a lot of fun and had great times with a group of friends. Although it was very eventful, I was still able to get some training in. Lack of sleep during these events can really effect me, it reminds […]



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