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Jenkinson’s Lake

This weekend my family and I went to Jenkinson’s Lake in Sly Park Area.  It is a much smaller lake than Lake Tahoe.  It is still beautiful.  We took our dog on his first hike around part of the lake.  We only hiked three and a half miles, but it was enough for him. It […]

Vacation To The East Coast

My family and I went on vacation this past week.  We stayed in Baltimore Maryland with my cousin.  We visited Washington D.C. , Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.  In Washington D.C. we walked to all the memorials and famous statues.  We went inside the U.S. Capital, Library of Congress, National Archives, Smithsonian National Air and Space […]

Kusanku Kata

Kusanku Kata


Struggles With Covid

Struggles With Covid

This was a hard week for me.  I taught the two morning classes and took my two classes.  I wore a mask so I would not pass on covid to anyone.  I had gotten over the worst symptoms of covid, but I still had some that made it hard to train.  I still can’t taste […]

Covid Bummer

Covid is awful.  I tested positive on Monday.  I had all the symptoms.  I had a fever, body aches, soar throat, headache, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and extremely tired.  This is my first time getting it.  I had all the vaccines and boosters.  I thought maybe I was one of those lucky people who were […]

Busy Day

On Saturday I was very busy.  I went to two karate classes in the morning.  One was regular class and the second was weapons.  Then in the afternoon I went to Juneteenth Festival at Black Miner Bar.  It was an interesting festival with food vendors, vendors selling clothes, jewelry, purses, hats, etc, horseback riding, kayak […]

Managing Fear

I have a fear of failure about sparring.  I often struggle and have a hard time sparring.  It is the part of karate I most doubt myself.  So many types of attacks and scenarios coming at me all at once.  It is hard to react and counter so quickly.  I try to not freeze up, […]


I am healing and recovering quicker than I thought I would.  It has been a little over three weeks since the injury happened.  I can now do all of the requirement except full sit ups.  I can do crunches.  I did planks as a substitution when my ribs hurt when I lifted my head.  They […]

White Belt Promotion

On Friday the four white belts in my class received their yellow belts.  I am so proud of them.  They worked very hard on sparring kata # 1 to get their belts.  Congratulations to all of them.  Now they can move on to sparring.  They have all the fundamentals to do it.  How exciting for […]



I am facing a large challenge and postponement in my training.  I went to the doctor about my hurt rib.  Fortunately x-rays showed no fracture or brake.  I have trouble taking deep breaths, sneezing, coughing, and laying down.  It is painful.  At least it is only a bruise.  I have to take a little break […]



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