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Unleash The Beast with Music

I recently joined the 21st century and paid for a premium subscription to Spotify. I’m a Gen Xer. That mean’s I’ve long resisted paying for anything online that I can get for free. However, I think that’s a 20th century mindset. Even though I get frustrated with paywalls there are products that justify the money. Add free Spotify is one of those for me.

With my fancy premium subscription I’ve been building playlists, exploring new genre’s of music and diving deep into old ones that I love. I don’t care what anyone says – music is magical. It’s nourishment, just like air, food and water. We define ourselves with music and tell our stories through it. What I like most about music is its ability to inspire and to unleash dormant energy.

The best decade for music, in my opinion, was the 1980’s. In the 1980’s everything had its own sound track. Marketers understood the power of music and unleashed it everywhere. Every hit movie had a killer sound track. Iconic songs were written for movies that will live rent free in your head until the day you die. Well, I have good news for you. You’re the hero of your own movie. You embarked on a Hero’s Journey when you accepted the challenge to go for your black belt. So what’s in your sound track? I suggest building one if you don’t know yet. Find songs that motivate you. If they were going to make a version of Rocky about you, what song would they play in your training montage? What song will play during the end credits of your story? Let me know in the comments.

Before I go, one of my songs is Sabotage by the Beastie Boys.

Watch these for inspiration.




6 thoughts on “Unleash The Beast with Music

  1. I’ll send you my Disney playlist 😅

    On a serious note, I do have a playlist on Spotify named ‘Pick Me Up’. It’s a playlist I listen to when I need a mood adjustment 🫶🏻 My go to lately is ‘You’re the Best’ from The Karata Kid. 🎋

      1. I feel like every movie night from back in the day was Karate Kid or The 3 Ninjas movies lol It always takes me back!

        And YES! Of course it is, The Littler Mermaid is my faaavortite movie lol

  2. I love music and dancing. I still go to Zumba once a week during this test. I have to remember to listen to my favorite music when I am soar and tired and dance.

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