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  • Profile picture of Elizabeth Clark

    I leave tomorrow night for a quick trip to Texas. My grandmother who is 99 lives in TX. I also have an aunt and uncle on my Dad’s side who live there. My grandma shattered her ankle about a month ago. My uncle i…

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  • Profile picture of Elizabeth Clark

    Elizabeth Clark wrote a new post


    Backtracking a little, I sprained my knee back in January. I started running a few months ago, just short jogs. This last week I tried to do some sprint work and my knee started aching. I was trying to figure out…

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    • I do a lot of walking. That is where I get most of my daily miles. Walk your dog often. You could try riding a bike. It is less stressful for your knee. Swimming and swim aerobics are low impact for the knee. I did a lot of water exercise to strengthen my back when I hurt my back. Keep up on physical therapy for the knee. It will also help strengthen it. I hope this gives you ideas on what to so you can eventually get back to running.

  • Profile picture of Elizabeth Clark
    New Friends

    There are a lot of things I am grateful for with this challenge and being involved with the dojo again. One of which is new friends I am making along the way. Specifically, Elan. When Elan and I first met, she was…

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    • Thanks for saying such heart warming things. I really enjoy our friendship. I am glad we can do activities inside the dojo as well as outside. Janet Jackson was so much fun with you and your sister. I look forward to many more adventures with you.

  • Profile picture of Elizabeth Clark

    Another book I am in the middle of is You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh. I have really enjoyed this book so far. One of the concepts in the book is mindfulness and being in tune with the task at hand. Instead of…

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    • It is an excellent book. I really enjoyed reading it myself. There is lots of great content and information to learn from that book.

  • Profile picture of Elizabeth Clark
    Ego Is the Enemy

    I am currently in the middle of three books. One is called Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.  This book is about how our ego can get the better of us and make us act certain ways. The best way I can describe it,…

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